Ohio's New Covenant Emmaus!


THIRD Tuesday of each month @6:45pm @
WCH Grace Methodist Church

301 E Market St

Washington Ct Hs, Ohio 43160

Please send any Emmaus correspondence to:

Ohio's New Covenant Emmaus

PO Box 805

Washington CH, OH 43160


Our community expenses still continue, so please consider sending a donation to Emmaus via our treasurer below. Thank you!! God bless and de colores!

Ohio's New Covenant Emmaus

Attn: Treasurer

PO Box 805

Washington CH, OH 43160


Is your newsletter subscription expiring, or would you like to get the hard copy of the newsletter in your mailbox? Send a check for $8.00 to our mailing address:

Ohio's New Covenant Emmaus

Attn: Treasurer/Newsletter

PO Box 805

Washington CH, OH 43160

Please write "NEWSLETTER" in the memo line. If your address is different than the one on your check, make sure you include the correct info.

Want to save $$: The eNewsletter is available - subscribe below.

Community, Did You Know??

  • Did you know that we provide FREE childcare at Gatherings and Closings, but not at Candlelight?

  • Did you know that you can bring a friend who has not attended the walk to Gatherings?

  • Did you know that you need to wear you name tag when attending any Emmaus function?

  • Did you know that in order to serve on a live-in team you:

    • Must be active in church?

    • Must be active in the community?

    • Must be in an Accountability Group?

  • Did you know that Candlelight and Closing services are only for the Emmaus Community? NO ONE that has not attended an Emmaus or Chrysalis weekend can attend the Candlelight or Closing; however, childcare is available during Closing.

  • Did you know that the 72 hour prayer vigil needs 72 praying servants?

  • Did you know that taping and/or picture taking of any part of the Emmaus Weekend is not allowed?


  • Did you know that it takes 12 servants to volunteer per shift each day (breakfast, lunch & supper) in the kitchen?


  • Did you know that we need 28 servants to help set-up on Thursdays of the walk?

  • Did you know that we need 13 servants to help clean up on Sunday morning so the church can minister to their flock?

  • Did you know that it takes 6 servants each day (Friday - 5:30pm, Saturday - 6:00 pm, Sunday - 6:30 AM) to scrub those glorious bathrooms?

  • Did you know that 70 different Logistic servants are needed per Walk if everyone filled only one time slot each?

  • Did you know that God loves you and so do we?


The cost of sponsoring a pilgrim is $100.00. The cost helps cover program expenses for food and supplies. If you have not sponsored someone because it was cost prohibitive, the Ohio's New Covenant Emmaus community has a scholarship fund. This fund is made possible through gifts from previous pilgrims and others in the community. If you need a scholarship for your pilgrim(s), please contact us: info@ohiosnewcovenantemmaus.org BEFORE submitting your applications. If you would like to donate to the scholarship fund, please contact us for more details!


Monthly Gathering Tuesday February 18th, 2025

WCH Grace Methodist Church Washington Court House

7:00 Gathering begins

Child Care is provided free of charge.

Bring snack to share after the Gathering.

Next Walk:


February 20-23, 2025


We need volunteers for the prayer vigil, kitchen and logistics for the upcoming walk. It takes everyone to get this accomplished. Please sign up so that we have a full slate of servants to support the walk. In addition to signing up online, sign up sheets will be available in the fellowship hall.

Agape is also needed for the upcoming walk. You can bring it to the gathering and give it to Phyllis Hodson.


Kathy Ginn has been working very hard to staff the kitchen please contact her if you would like to sign up to help with the walk but can not make the gathering.

Kathy: 740-606-0553


Denny Beis and Dan Leaverton have been doing a fantastic job of staffing for our logistic needs. They could always use some additional help during the walk. You can sign up online,
during a gathering or talk to them personally.

Denny: 614-209-1148


Jessica Wise, board music chair, is in need of your talents. We need volunteers for gatherings and walks. Please share your wonderful talents with the community.

Jessica: drjwise77@gmail.com

Please support the upcoming walks by:

-Providing Agape

-Taking part in the 72 Hour Prayer Vigil -- sign up at Gatherings or online Current Walk page

-Helping with Logistics

-Serving in the Kitchen

-Attending Sponsor's Hour, Candlelight and/or Closing


The Walk to Emmaus experience begins with the prayerful discernment and invitation from a sponsor. After one accepts this invitation they complete an application. The Emmaus leaders prayerfully consider each applicant and in God’s time, the person is invited to attend a three-day experience of New Testament Christianity as a lifestyle.


Do you wish to participate in a weekend experience? To give back to the Emmaus community? Please let us know where you would like to volunteer by contacting the Ohio's New Covenant Emmaus Chapter.


The objective of Emmaus is to inspire, challenge, and equip the local church members for Christian action in their homes, churches, communities and places of work. Emmaus lifts up a way for our grace-filled lives to be lived and shared with others. The Ohio's New Covenant Emmaus Chapter gathers monthly to continue this mission and involve the entire family.

Ohio's New Covenant Emmaus Resource Center

List of Pilgrims, Team and Walk Needs

Newsletter, upcoming walk needs,

Enter your prayer requests here and pray over those in need of prayer.

Walk/Sponsor Application, Newsletter Archives, Accountability Group Flyer, by-laws, committee descriptions, more!

Looking for ways to give back to the community? We need your help!.

Chrysalis & Kairos Ministry Information

(Local Page Coming Soon)

If you want to be a leader, you need to keep up with the world green trends.

Send us an email! We would love to hear from you.


301 E Market St Washington Court House, Ohio 43160

Mailing address:

PO Box 805

Washington CH, OH 43160


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