Remember back to your walk and the agape you received? Now you have the opportunity to give back to the upcoming walks!
How many pieces should you include??? 50 (If you want to provide for both the Pilgrims and the team)
Please include a note with your agape to tell us who it is for. (Example: Pilgrims only, team & pilgrims also how many is in the bag/box. Include your name & phone number so it may be returned if we have extras.
If you have any questions about providing agape, please see Phyllis Hodson or contact her at 740-572-1579 or Thank you!
Ohio's New Covenant Emmaus Resource Center
List of Pilgrims, Team and Walk Needs
Newsletter, upcoming walk needs,
Enter your prayer requests here and pray over those in need of prayer.
Walk/Sponsor Application, Newsletter Archives, Accountability Group Flyer, by-laws, committee descriptions, more!
Looking for ways to give back to the community? We need your help!.
Chrysalis & Kairos Ministry Information
(Local Page Coming Soon)
If you want to be a leader, you need to keep up with the world green trends.
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